quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2016

I am Mortypherus.

I am Mortypherus, guitarist and composer of the Tyrant Attack horde.
I was born on March 15, 1979, in Porto Alegre-RS Brazil.
My story in Heavy Metal, started by mid-1992, when I heard my first metal albums.
In 1995, I joined my first metal band that called Evocation (Black-Metal), where he played drums for 2 years.
In 1997, I founded with my friend Diego Voges, my second metal band, this was the Hermit Age (Doom-Metal), where he remained for two years.
After that, in 2004 I started a new project called Sodomizer, which lasted for two years, and I created the compositions, and played drums in this band.
After the end of Sodomizer, go through a period inactivity, but while composing new sounds, and in 2011 I decided to resume my old project, i recruited new musicians, and changed the band's name to "Tyrant Attack". I initially started playing drums, but as a composer of songs decided to play guitar in the band. Since then, I have always working on the songs, and creating new songs of hate against  Christianity.

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